This month we read a lot of fall and Halloween themed books. Some were old favorites of mine, others were new to me. Some were stinkers, some were so good they are on my list to permanently add to his library.
We have a few days to go, and I plan on reading a few more to him, but for now, these are the books we have read.
These two were my favorites! I am definitely adding them to our own personal library.
I am a Witch's Cat: Super adorable - a very cute look at a mother-daughter relationship but also could be just mother and child, even though the child in the book is female.
Sophie's Squash: This was a random pick and I am in love with this book. I am glad I "picked" it hanging out on the shelf. It is based on a true story - the author's daughter really fell in love with a squash. Very unique!
Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin: This was a super simple, cute little read.
Creepy Carrots!: I love this book. It has just enough creep factor for a kid I think, to keep them in suspense, if young enough, without being too scary. Hopefully!
Fall Leaves Fall - This book was a nice look at fall leaves, and included a few small lessons. It contained some simple leaf identification, and also explained how leaves change color in the fall. Loved it and will read it to Wyatt again in the future, when he can understand the small science lesson as well as enjoy the story and pictures. Not buying it though, it's like $50!
The Apple Pie Tree: I didn't like this one as much but it was still cute. I will probably buy this one, since we have our own apple tree in the front yard. And it's not $50!
Halloween: This one fascinated Wyatt! The illustrations were so vibrant, he loved them.
Jeoffrey's Halloween: I loved the story for this book but I wish the colors of the illustrations would have been a little more vivid and bright.
Pumpkin Town: So, my husband read this one to Wyatt and he hated it - my husband that is. :( He said "it just wasn't that good."
Scary, Scary Halloween: Eve Bunting's books never go out of style for me. This one is perfect for Halloween.
Scaredy-Cat, Splat: Another author you can't go wrong with!
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