Friday, January 15, 2016

What Wyatt's Reading

This week, we got our first real snow! I have been waiting for this to happen - I love snow! I don't necessarily love taking a baby out in snowy weather, but watching snow fall while my family is snug and cozy in our house is one of my favorite things.

In honor of the snow this week, I read more winter/snow themed books to him. I will probably continue this trend this month - mainly because I like to read snowy picture books, and I still get to pick his books for him. Lol.

The Little Snowplow: We loved this book! Wyatt probably heard this book the most this week, since Billy and I both read it to him a lot. It is safe to say at least Billy and I loved it! We are definitely buying it for his library. The Little Snowplow is a take on the Little Engine That Could, and it had special meaning for us and our little preemie boy.

Dear Yeti: Another super adorable book. I loved this one as well. Written in mostly letters addressed to the yeti, readers follow the journey of these two kids in search of the yeti. This book is very short, with beautiful illustrations. 

Penguin and Little Blue: This one was cute but not my favorite. I think it made me kind of sad! Penguin and Little Blue just want to go home. 

Snowmen at Night: Always a favorite book with kids, it is a story of all the fun things that snowmen do at night. Fun story, fun illustrations.

Snow Party:  Another book about snowmen and what they get up to while we are sleeping. Just as fun, with great pictures.

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?:  I think this was Wyatt's favorite. We have Brown Bear, Brown Bear so he is already familiar with the pattern of this story. He liked to shake his head and rock to this book while I read it to him. It looks like we will be adding this book to our collection as well!


  1. Eric Carle's books were my favorites to read to my kids! I need to get one of his books for my 4 month old nephew :)

    1. He is pretty great! I loved his books myself when I was a kid. I guess I still do!

  2. Cu-ute. I can imagine his dimpled hands touching these cardboard books. When he gets older and is able to eat Cheerios, you must get him the Cheerio books that have slots for them for each page. My niece used to eat them and then swipe her little hand over the pages to make sure she got them all.

    1. I never heard of those!!! I will definitely get them for him. Anything that actually encourages eating I am all for. Lol. This kid is so hard to put weight on!

  3. It's always fun reading books that are relevant to the current goings on - i.e. seasons and holidays and such.

    Eric Carle is a favourite in our household.

    Reading With Jade

    1. I love to read corresponding to the world around me. :) I get really disjointed reading a beach/summer book in the winter. Isn't that weird? Or winter in the summer?

      Eric Carle is the bomb.


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