It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date
Thanks everyone for all the well wishes for Wyatt last week! He is feeling better!
I've been a bit AWOL from the blogging world, it's been a really really long twelve days! But hopefully things will be back to normal starting soon. Today would be good actually.
I can't believe it is almost already December! November disappeared before I knew it. I think tonight we are going to have a simple dinner, one of our comfort foods, Pannukkau and go for a walk to look at Christmas lights, then come back and have some tea. I love winter walks, even more so when there is snow. I can't wait!
Read Last Week:
I needed some happy reading, and The Rancher's Christmas Song fit the bill. It made me want lots of snow though! And horses.
I really enjoyed The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow too! The department store setting in London made me think of the tv show The Paradise, and the story itself was really entertaining. I liked the characters too, especially quick witted Sophie.
Reading This Week:
I have seen mixed reviews on this title, so I am looking forward to reading it.
Lots of Christmas movies. I've been soaking it all in - the two that stand out in my mind are The Christmas Bunny (set in Michigan!) and The Christmas Prince. I'm a sucker for these type of movies. Lol. I also watched Love Actually for the first time this season. It's my all time favorite movie ever.
What about you? What's been going on in your world?